Nurse-Lead Care

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Office: 02037543723
Mobile: 07377420830
Emergency 24/7: 07868102532


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    Nurse patient

    24/7 Nurse Led Care Service Providers in UK

    As a care provider, we understand that some conditions require specialized medical training to be properly cared for. That’s why we offer nurse-lead care to people who have conditions that need this kind of care. Depending on the needs of the client, this can be done through regular visits to their home, or through a live-in care basis. Our nurses are highly trained and experienced, and they’re passionate about providing the best possible care to our clients. We believe that everyone deserves to receive the care they need in order to live a happy and healthy life, and we’re dedicated to making that happen.

    Who Can Get Benefit from Our Nurse- Led Care Services?

    Our dedicated team of nurse-led carers are experts in supporting individuals with a wide range of complex clinical needs, such as:

    • Cancer Care
    • Stroke Care
    • Anyone who is about to be discharged from a hospital but faces a lengthy recovery period
    • Anyone looking for a low-cost alternative to residential care facilities or nursing homes.
    • Palliative / End of life care
    • Respiratory conditions
    • Degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis
    • Muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy are examples of physical disabilities.

    Why Choose us?

    When you choose Marielle 24/7 Healthcare Services LTD , you can be confident that the carer who will be caring for you or your loved one is experienced and expertly trained to provide the help and support you require while adhering to the high standards you should expect.

    We take a tailored approach to training to ensure that our carers have the knowledge, skills, and aptitude to provide high-quality complex care that meets our clients’ very specific needs. Carers can adapt their approach and evolve the care they provide to meet changing needs thanks to our unrivaled supervision and clinical oversight.

    Recruit Best Carer for 24/7 Nurse led Care

    When we recruit new carers, we make sure they reflect our core values, specifically the values we use to provide nurse-led care. The six ‘C’s of nursing care (care, compassion, competence, communication, courage, and commitment) ensure that the care we provide is effective, efficient, responsive, and safe, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible care.

    Partnering to work with you

    To ensure an integrated and holistic approach to nursing care, we collaborate with other healthcare professionals, multidisciplinary teams, commissioning groups, and other therapy providers involved in our clients’ care. Family involvement is essential to our approach to providing nurse-led care at home, and our care teams will make certain that they receive high levels of support as and when they require it. The level of care provided is planned in collaboration with all parties involved in a client’s care. We know from experience that this ensures goals are met and outcomes are improved, while also allowing our clients to receive the best possible care.

    Contact Us Today for More Information


    Office: 02037543723

    Mobile: 07377420830

    Emergency 24/7: 07868102532
